Thursday, 25 November 2010

Planning - Narrative

Narrative Structures

The narrative is the way in which that a story will unfold whether it being the narrative order or the way that the story is told. As the radio drama episode is only allowed to be 5 minutes long, I have to consider this when planning the narrative.


Tvzetan Todorov - Todorov is a theorists who suggests narrative is simply equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium. This means that he believes that at the beggining of the story, the equilibrium is calm and settled. Then, something happens to distrupt the equilibrium, and as the story goes on, the equilibrium is restored. Many succesful Hollywood Blockbusters use this narrative structure within their films. I'm sure it would be equally as successful in radio dramas. Although, the radio drama I am producing is only 5 minutes long. Therefore, I have choosen not to use this narrative structure within my radio drama.

Vladimir Propp - Propp analysed Russian Folk Tales in the 1920s and realised that the same events occured in each story. Creating a constant framework. Prop came up with narrative functions that are controlled by the characters. Such as,
  • The Hero
  • The Villain
  • The Donor
  • The Helper
  • The Dispatcher
  • The False Here
  • The Sought for person (e.g princess)
Again, as my radio drama is only 5 minutes long, I do feel that it will be a struggle to make it clear to my audience which character falls in which category.
I have taken the theorists ideas into consideration andI have decided to have 3 characters within the drama, as it will be easier to find people to play the characters and to keep the listeners/audience interested.  Each character will have significantly different personalities to help tell the story. The characters will be all young and female, plus 1 or 2 of them attending University. I have choosen this because I feel that it will appeal to younger people.
I want to include an aspect of horror within the radio drama so i have decided that the 3 girls will travel at night time from the University of Manchester to their hometown, Oxford. Motorways will be closed due to accidents of some kind, making them take an alternative route through unlit country roads which are unknown to them.
Also, I will include a radio news announcer to help tell the story, revealing that motorways will be closed and so on. I want my narrative structure to break existing codes and conventions. I want my narrative to unfold in such a way that will shock the audience. So therefore, i have decided to end my radio drama with a cliff hanger ending which allows to audience to let their imagination run, and come to their own conclusion of what happens.

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