Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Ideas Generated

After listening to existing radio dramas, I felt that they were rather "dull" and I found it quite hard to engage myself with them. I think this is because they are simply not aimed at my age group. I believe that there is a gap in the market, that being radio dramas for teenagers. This has helped me think of ideas for my radio drama, as I want to produce something modern and almost give radio drama a "new life"

The big ideas for our radio drama first began after reading a horror story an urban legend, from the website,

The Hook
A TEENAGE boy drove his date to a dark and deserted Lovers' Lane for a make-out session. After turning on the radio for mood music, he leaned over and began kissing the girl.
A short while later, the music suddenly stopped and an announcer's voice came on, warning in an urgent tone that a convicted murderer had just escaped from the state insane asylum — which happened to be located not far from Lovers' Lane — and that anyone who noticed a strange man lurking about with a hook in place of his right hand should immediately report his whereabouts to the police.
The girl became frightened and asked to be taken home. The boy, feeling bold, locked all the doors instead and, assuring his date they would be safe, attempted to kiss her again. She became frantic and pushed him away, insisting that they leave. Relenting, the boy peevishly jerked the car into gear and spun its wheels as he pulled out of the parking space.
When they arrived at the girl's house she got out of the car, and, reaching to close the door, began to scream uncontrollably. The boy ran to her side to see what was wrong and there, dangling from the door handle, was a bloody hook!"

After reading this, we decided that we wanted include some aspects of this story within our own radio drama.

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