Sunday, 12 December 2010

Script Development

Here is the first draft of the script for the radio drama. We performed our script to the rest of our class members and they gave us some audience feedback....

This image above if the first page of the script. After performing this part of the drama to the audience we recieved some comments. Many listeners felt that the use of bad language such as "fuck" was not needed and was too harsh to use in this radio drama. Although, the listeners did say that they felt some language was acceptable such as the use of the word "shit". Also, the listeners commented on the radio announcements. They felt that the announcements were too long and contained too many information. They said that we needed to shorten these annoucments in order to cause more of an impact on the listeners
The image above is the second page of our first draft of the radio drama script. The listeners commented on the conflicting relationship between Stephanie and Elizabeth and said that it encouraged them to keep listening. They also said that the sudden car crash shocked them. Personally, I think that this is a very ood reaction from the audience as this is what I aimed to do from the start and shock the audience. The listeners also mentioned that they enjoyed how the sat nav helps the story un fold.

The image above is the third page of the first draft of our radio drama script. The listeners said that they felt confused at the point when the brakes were applied. Because of this, I have decided to either remove this or re arrange some parts and see which will work best for my audience.
The image above is the forth page of the first draft of the radio drama script. I recieved some critisism from the listeners about the use of bad language, and again felt that the use of the word "fuck" and "pussy" was unacceptable to use in radio dramas as they were too harsh. Because of this, I have decided to remove these words and replace them with something more suitable. Also, the audience said that they felt there were too many news notifications on the radio which made the drama seem unrealistic. Because of this point, I have decided to remove the news notification from this page.
The image above is the fifth page of the first draft of our radio drama script. The listeners said that they were hoping for a strong ending, something that shocked them and suggested that we implied a theme of death within the end part.

In conclusion, the listeners enjoyed the overall idea of our story but felt the use of bad language was not at all needed. They thought that the story would still work with fewers news notifications helping to tell the story. Also, the listeners wanted a dramatic ending with great impact. I will take all of these points into consideration when constructing my second draft of the radio drama script.

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