Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Character profiles

After drawing up the character mind maps, I have been able to construct the characters own profile. The profiles reveal the characters personalities, what they are into and whether they are protagonist, adversary etc.

Elizabeth - The Protagonist
Elizabeth is an extremely bright 19 year old who is studying Law and Philosophy at Manchester University. She has immaculate long brown hair, brown eyes and wears designer clothes; a factor which makes her much cooler than the average stereotypical geek. She lives in Oxford with her parents and older brother, Edward, and in her spare time, enjoys fencing, playing the piano and shopping in the Westfield Mall in London. She doesn’t give into peer pressure and is sensible, almost always opting for better safe than sorry.

Stephanie - The Adversary
Stephanie is an intelligent 22 year old that works at Vogue as a personal assistant to her boss. As her work environment is competitive and bitchy, Stephanie fits in perfectly. She has mid length red hair and brown eyes. She lives in Oxford with her former boyfriend, Mark. Stephanie envies anyone who out smarts here. She enjoys taking risks and likes to live life on the “wild side”. When not at work, Stephanie can be found partying in various city nightclubs with friends. She is also very pushy and prefers to remain in control. This girl is not afraid to speak her mind, under any circumstances.

Katie - The Victim
Katie is 19 years old and attends the University of Manchester. Katie also studies Law and Philosophy, along with her friend Elizabeth. Katie isn't the brightest of girls, and tends to follow the crowd and aims to impress people. A lot of the time, Katie will give into peer pressue and do what others want to do, like she doesn't have a mind of her own. Katie lives at home with her Mum, in Oxford. She has an older sister called Stephanie who Katie aspires to be like.

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