Friday, 6 May 2011

Final Changes - Double Feature Page

I showed my double feature page to many people within my target audience and asked them what they thought of it as an overall product and how I could improve it.
Almost all members of the audience said that it wasn't clear as to what the purpose of the images were and how they relate to the article. Many said that the product could benefit from captioning on the pictures used as it will help the article relate to the images and become more clearer.
The audience thought that the Radio Times logo used at the bottom right corner was too large and detracts attention from the article itself.
Also, many said that the headline was very basic and not eye catching enough as it could be.

What I Improved and How

First of all I changed the logo on my feature page. I decided to use this image which I edited in photoshop earlier.

I then made the Radio Times logo in the bottom corners smaller. Using Indesign I created a red background for my Headline to be placed over as I thought it made the overall image look neater. I used picture effects such as the image in the circle to make the article more interesting and catch my audiences eye.

Here is my final double feature page. The last changes I made were to the image. Using the text box tool I added captions to help explain the images to the audience, making it easier for them to engage with the article 

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