Sunday, 17 April 2011

The Placement Dates

I have arranged the placement of my adverts in a particular order to entise the audience

The Poster

I have decided that the poster will be featured in the Radio Times on 14th July 2011. I also want my poster to appear in places where my target audience would be such as town centres, schools, university etc. This will give my poster maximum chance of being seen by my target audience. Also, I have choosen this date because as it is summer time, it means students will not be in school, college or university so they will have more free time on their hands to read into magazines such as the Radio Times.

Double Page Feature

My feature page will be places in The Radio Times on July 31st 2011. This is a week after the poster would have been placed, I have choosen such a short window gap for the next release due to keeping my target audience interested.

The Radio Drama

After all the advertisements have been placed, the radio drama itself will be released on the 7th August. This is also a week after the last advertisement placement. I have decided to do this simply to keep the target audience interested and to ensure the radio drama recieves as much attention as it possibly can

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